ARI Simulation is a leading global provider of simulation products and virtual reality training solutions across a broad range of industries including offshore, oil and gas, exploration and production, marine, airports, construction and defence. ARI’s offshore products include simulators for drilling rigs, offshore cranes, offshore vessel handling, dynamic positioning, anchor handling, subsea support, ROVs and more. ARI’s marine simulation products range from Navigation, Engine, Propulsion, Machinery Space and Process & Cargo Handling Simulation. ARI solutions are available in a wide range of configurations to meet every possible simulation requirement.
Our products meet and exceed the standards prescribed by various International statutory and industry bodies including The Nautical Institute, IMCA, OPITO, IMO (STCW 2010), and AMERC amongst others. ARI’s Offshore and Marine simulators are certified by DNV-GL to the highest Class A standards for simulation systems.
Our simulation platform is also used to undertake feasibility studies for new vessel designs and equipment even before such facilities are built or missions are undertaken.
Our Simulators meet, and in many cases exceed, relevant international standards from maritime administrations and bodies such as:
ARI’s offshore simulators are built on its own robust, scalable and extensible simulation platform delivering powerful physics based fully immersive and interactive virtual worlds. ARI’s training solutions are suitable for use in basic and advanced training, certification training, skills development, competency assessment and complete mission rehearsal scenarios.
Developed in close coordination with industry experts, training providers, equipment manufacturers and other stakeholders in the offshore industry, ARI’s Offshore Simulators are amongst the most sophisticated and capable training technologies ever developed.
The ARI offshore simulation suite comprises a range of products that cover the main work scope areas of the offshore industry. Individual simulators can be provided in a variety of configurations - from compact to full mission simulators, and from tabletop installations to large-scale integrated simulation complexes.
Fully functional training tools in their own right, these individual simulators can also be linked together to form integrated solutions allowing for multi-discipline training scenarios and complicated mission rehearsal exercises. Our solutions are extremely modular making it possible to tailor-make a solution for today's needs while retaining the flexibility to grow or modify the system for the future.
The ARI full mission ship maneuvering simulator is designed, built and installed in accordance with the requirements of IMO STCW 2010 and is approved by DNV-GL to the Class A standard. It is a complete maritime navigation training solution for all training needs related to navigation and ship handling. The elements include RADAR-ARPA, ECDIS and navigational equipment. Training is conducted in a compelling immersive atmosphere with full visual, instrument and aural clues available to the trainees.
ARI’s Navigation Simulators are available in a large number of configurations ranging from tabletop and part task trainers to large scale installations with 360o field of view with various navigation equipment integrated into the simulation systems.
The Navigation Simulators fully provide for specialized navigation operations such as, Integrated Bridge Systems, Ice Navigation, Ship-to-Ship operations, SBM operations, VTIS operations and others as required to meet specific training and assessment requirements.
ARI’s DP simulator, fully compliant with the latest NI and DNV-GL standards, can be delivered as a standalone training tool or can be integrated with the ARI Offshore Vessel Bridge Simulator to deliver a fully DP2/DP3 compliant vessel bridge system. Based on ARI’s own generic DP architecture, the system supports multiple thruster and propulsor types, with vessel specific Power Management Systems that deliver a realistic simulation of offshore vessels from a dynamic positioning perspective.
The simulator caters to training requirements that range from familiarization to advanced levels including contingency and emergency preparedness training.
ARI works in close cooperation with a large number of DP equipment manufacturers for interfacing OEM equipment into core simulation technology to provide an integrated simulation solution that meets your specific requirements and choices.
The anchor handling simulator is a modular extension to the offshore bridge operations simulator product, providing both basic and advanced anchor handling simulation capabilities in an integrated bridge environment.
ARI’s anchor handling simulator delivers a complete simulation of the anchor handling process, from transmission of the anchor pattern, interpretation and planning, picking up pennant wires and anchors, to deploying and retrieving the anchors in position. Winch controls and vessel handling stations operate in tandem in these operations. Multi-vessel anchor handling operations are enabled to allow complex scenarios to be practiced effectively.
The anchor handling module accurately models the environmental, hydrodynamic and object interaction forces affecting the vessel as the anchor handling system is placed under load.
ARI’s drilling simulator, replicating the actual drill floor of a working rig, is designed for training in procedural, operational, well-control and well planning applications. The simulator provides control and monitoring systems, including display and SCADA systems, and virtual CCTV monitoring, that closely replicate those found on a real rig.
All major rig operations can be carried out including: drilling (vertical and directional), tripping in, tripping out, pipe-handling and other surface operations, casing and riser running, control of mud systems and several other drilling related operations.
The ARI down hole model is an extensive training tool which equips the trainee with the required skill sets to successfully carry out real world drilling including well control methods and blowout prevention.
The simulator is built to industry standards as specified by IADC and IWCF.
ARI’s ROV simulator provides training solutions across different classes of ROV – inspection, work, and heavy work classes - with realistic training scenarios for pilotage and operations.
The simulator can be used by ROV manufacturers, operators, oil companies and others for tasks such as field visualization (as built), mission planning, dive plan development / evaluation, as well as subsea equipment design and testing for ROV missions prior to field deployment. As a training tool, the simulator is a vital aid for equipment specific, mission specific or site specific ROV pilot training. The simulator supports multiple dynamic objects (including two ROV systems), large umbilical lengths (deep water operations), and fully interactive manipulators.
The ARI ROV Simulator is certified by DNV-GL to the highest Class A Standard, and meets the requirements for Class A simulator according to IMCA guidelines.
The offshore crane simulator provides a platform for the simulation of a wide variety of cranes used in the offshore industry and is approved by DNV-GL to the highest class ‘A’ Standard. The simulation solution is fully compliant with OPITO approved standards for Offshore Crane Operators (multiple stages).
ARI’s offshore crane simulator provides a high fidelity immersive replica of the operating cab of a range of cranes used in the offshore industry including pedestal, knuckle boom, and active heave compensated subsea cranes. One may select from a variety of cranes as commonly fitted on rigs, platforms, barges, and various types of offshore vessels.
The ARI offshore vessel machinery operations simulator is certified by DNV–GL to the highest Class A standard. The simulator offers a robust platform for training and assessment on the operation and management of the propulsion and machinery plant of an offshore vessel.
The offshore vessel engine plant simulator includes all the machinery related processes of an offshore vessel including conventional diesel engine propulsion and electric azimuth propulsion. In addition, the simulator specially focuses on offshore specific areas such as FIFI, cargo handling systems (mud, brine, cement etc.), hydraulic system controls (anchor handling, sharkjaws, kam forks etc.), and the power management systems.
The entire machinery space, with all machinery, equipment and controls, is also depicted in 3D with an option to be used as a familiarization platform or in a fully interactive mode linked to the running simulation.